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You code, I’ll design!

There are very few people in this industry who can write great code and have a talent for design. Shouldn’t we each play to our strengths and do what we do best? {: class=“lede”}

In the Joomla! world, some extension developers seem to think they should do both.

I'll be the first to admit, PHP is not my strong point. I'll happily leave the creation of extensions to those to whom the code comes naturally!

It is simply a waste of my time to build my own extensions when others can do so more elegantly, and faster, than I. So, why is it that I find myself doing battle on a daily basis with the styles (please let them at least be in a .css stylesheet!) that an extension developer has chosen for their product?

I’m only going to rip it out or overwrite it anyway. Why not save us both a bit of time?

Your styles are your opinion 🔗

In designing and building a site, I want it to display the styles I choose, not the ones you chose. They’ll never be a good fit to my design; never.

Sure, I understand you may want to give your extensions a basic layout, or a guide to how you think things should look. But, don’t try to stop me forming my own opinion.

Give me an off-switch 🔗

That’s all I ask for, a simple toggle in your extension that can be used to disable all of your styles so that I may easily apply my own. This should be considered best practice, in my opinion, something that is standard to every extension.

If we can’t agree on this, maybe I’ll start building extensions. Trust me, no one wants that!