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Oneweb template

My project boilerplate; a responsive, mobile-first, HTML5 template for Joomla.

I’ll keep this short and sweet, as today is Christmas day and I am enjoying it with my family! I hope you are all doing the same. I want to share my current template starter, what I use to create the leanest, meanest Joomla templates around with anyone who wants it.

Oneweb is the fastest Joomla! template ever made and designed to help you create your own.

What makes it so awesome? 🔗

  • Responsive, scaling from 320px to 1140px
  • Mobile-first, loading the basics styles first then adding additional pzazz for capable devices
  • Fluid grid
  • Responsive image handling
  • HTML5
  • Mobile friendly optimisations
  • Smart menu handling for mobile devices
  • Modernizr, so you can add extra awesome targetting specific device capabilities
  • Polyfills to make stuff work in crap browsers
  • Lightweight and fast as hell
  • Google font goodness baked in
  • Clean, semantic markup
  • Plenty of module positions, logically named and laid out
  • WAI-ARIA Landmark roles
  • Built according to Vulcan standards of logic
  • Google Analytics integration

Are you mad? 🔗

Possibly. I am also drunk with festive cheer and full of love for my fellow man. The Joomla community has given me so much, this is one way I can give something back.

Where is it? 🔗

You can see a basic demo (I didn’t have time to get it all set up) in action at joomlafuture 🔗 . The code is on GitHub of course, so fork away! 🔗