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Just another rando unsplash image

Internal Templates

This page is a demo of Hugo’s internal shortcodes and templates.

Figure πŸ”—

Not fit for purpose. Seth should totally propose an update to this in Hugo. Just use Markdown’s native syntax and an image render template instead.

Gists πŸ”—

The gist shortcode takes two values, the Github username and gist id.

Highlighted code πŸ”—

See #highlight-shortcode docs πŸ”— for config options

<section id="main">

    <h1 id="title">{{ .Title }}</h1>

    {{ range .Pages }}
      {{ .Render "summary"}}
    {{ end }}


Instagram πŸ”—

Broken thanks to their API updates. Don’t bother with this one.

Twitter πŸ”—

Vimeo πŸ”—

Youtube πŸ”—